Can I Become a Security Guard With a Criminal Record?

Can I Become a Security Guard With a Criminal Record?

When applying for or renewing your SIA licence, the Security Industry Authority (SIA) will review your criminal record. But if you have a criminal history, you may be wondering if you can still become a security guard. In this article, we’ll explain why the SIA checks criminal records, detail the types of offences they consider, and address the key question: Can I become a security guard with a criminal record?

Statute of justice and law books in the background, with a text overlay that says "Can I Become a Security Guard With a Criminal Record?"

Can I Become a Security Guard With a Criminal Record?

It is possible to become a security guard with a criminal record, but your eligibility depends on several factors. These include how recent your offences were, their severity, whether they involved imprisonment, and how the SIA assesses your criminal history. Each case is considered on an individual basis, with the SIA evaluating all these aspects before making a decision.

What is a Criminal Record Check?

A criminal record check is a background check that examines your criminal history to see if you have any convictions. While not all jobs require this check, certain professions – like teaching, law, and security – often do. For example, positions like security guards typically require a criminal record check. There are four types of criminal record checks, each serving a specific purpose. Below, we outline these different checks.

The Types of Criminal Record Checks

Here are the different types of criminal record checks that employers may conduct:

  • Basic Check: This quick check reveals any unspent convictions or conditional cautions on your record.
  • Standard Check: This provides more detailed information, including any cautions, final warnings, reprimands, and both spent and unspent convictions.
  • Enhanced Check: In addition to the information in a standard check, an enhanced check also includes any relevant details held by the police that may pertain to the role you are applying for.
  • Enhanced Check With Barred Lists: This check includes everything from the enhanced check, but also shows whether you are on any barred lists, which would prevent you from working in specific roles, such as those involving vulnerable individuals.

How Long Does a Criminal Check Take?

In the UK, the processing time for criminal record checks can vary. Basic checks usually take up to 14 days, while standard and enhanced checks can take up to 8 weeks. The length of time depends on factors such as the type of check, whether police involvement is required, and the accuracy of the information provided.

What Does the SIA Check on a Criminal Record?

When the SIA checks your criminal record, they perform a standard check to determine if you have any unspent convictions, cautions, or final warnings. During this process, the SIA considers several factors, such as:

  • The type of offences
  • How long ago the offences occurred
  • The severity of the offences
  • Whether the offences are relevant to the role you’re applying for

The SIA may review a wide range of offences, including:

  • Abuse or neglect of children
  • Criminal damage
  • Dishonesty (theft, fraud, etc.)
  • Drug offences
  • Possession of offensive weapons
  • Private security-related offences
  • Sexual offences
  • Violent or abusive behaviour
  • Terrorism-related offences
  • Firearm offences
  • Social security offences

Each case is assessed on an individual bases, with the SIA evaluating how the nature and relevance of any offences may impact your suitability for a security role.

Request form for a criminal background check, with a pair of glasses on top of it

Why Do the SIA Check Your Criminal Record?

The SIA checks your criminal record to assess whether you are eligible for an SIA licence and suitable to work in the security industry. They also evaluate your history to ensure that you do not pose a risk to public safety and are of good character.

Can I Get an SIA Licence With a Criminal Record?

It is possible to obtain an SIA licence with a criminal record, but your eligibility depends on the nature of the offences and how long ago they occurred. For example, if you received a fine within the past year, your application will likely be refused. However, if it’s been more than two years since a community disposal offence, your application may be considered for approval. To better understand how the SIA reviews criminal records, you can consult the SIA licensing handbook or find information online.

Additionally, if you have a conviction resulting in a prison sentence of more than 48 months or a life sentence, your application may be automatically refused. In some cases, it may fall under the “additional factors” category, with the decision depending on how much time has passed since the sentence was completed.

How to Get an SIA Licence With a Criminal Record

If you have a criminal record and are planning to apply for an SIA licence, it’s recommended to use the SIA’s Criminal Record Indicator tool. This tool asks about your background and criminal history, then provides an estimate of whether you are likely to pass the SIA’s criminality check. However, it’s important to remember that the results are only an estimate and not a guarantee of the outcome.

Can I Get a CCTV SIA Licence With a Criminal Record?

It is possible to obtain an SIA CCTV licence with a criminal record, but your eligibility depends on several factors. These include the nature and severity of your offences, how long ago they occurred, whether they involved imprisonment, and how the SIA evaluates your criminal history. Each case is assessed individually based on these criteria.

So, Can I Become a Security Guard With a Criminal Record?

You can become a security guard with a criminal record, but your eligibility relies on multiple factors, like the nature and severity of the offences, how long ago they occurred, and whether they involved prison time. The SIA evaluates each case individually, taking these details into account to determine whether you are suitable to work in the security industry.

While some offences may result in an automatic refusal, others are considered on a case-by-case basis. To better understand how your criminal record may affect your application, you can consult the SIA’s guidelines or use their Criminal Record Indicator tool. Ultimately, the SIA’s goal is to ensure that all security professionals are trustworthy, capable, and able to safeguard the public effectively.

For the latest SIA updates, visit our news and insights page, where you can find articles on important topics like Important Changes to SIA Training and the differences between a Frontline and Non Frontline SIA Licence.

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